I’ve never been a huge fiction fan, so I had never heard of Vladimir Nabakov until today. Yet what I read of his novel writing technique resonates completely with my approach to writing non-fiction. You need to think in images.

I believe you also have to think in emotions. Images aren’t enough. They only deal with inanimate objects and their ability to create environment. Emotions reveal the reaction to those objects.

Visual and Emotional Imagination – Key to Avoiding Dull Reading

A dull narrative engages only those who know and love you. When you take the time to create an image of the scene in your mind, you have the tool you need to bring your story to life. Visual images precede the creation of a vivid story. Add the component of emotional images as well, and the potential of your story rises.

I’ve had many clients approach me with their life story. I’m always interested, just because I find people’s stories fascinating. Yet, I’ve recognized immediately

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