You don’t have to be outgoing and a public speaker to interview successfully. Successful author interviews are carefully planned events. Those who try to wing it rarely achieve success.
Pre-Interview Preparation
Gather Your Facts.
You should know:
- The name of the person interviewing you
- What program you’re appearing in
- The host’s style of interview
- The angle the host wants to use
- The length of the interview
- Whether the interview is live or recorded
- The program’s typical audience and demographics
Plan What You’re Going to Say.
As part of your media kit, you should have a list of potential questions for the interviewer to ask. (Learn more about media kits here.) Consider the information you’ve gathered. It will help you plan answers that fit the situation.

Confirm the Appointment.
Schedules can change unexpectedly. This content is for members only.
Interview Day
Phone Interviews & Webinars
For phone interviews or webinars, follow the directions of the show’s producer.This content is for members only.
In Person Interviews
Arrive Early.
For in-person interviews, aim for at least 30 minutes early.
Get It Right the First Time.
Second chances are rare. This content is for members only.
Ask About the Equipment.
This content is for members only.Show that it’s your goal to ensure the program is successful.
Bring Your Notes.
You took the time to plan. Bring your notes with you on 3 x 5 cards. They’re small enough to fit into your hand, and they don’t rustle like paper. Who wants to sound like they don’t really know their stuff?

Watch Your Beverage Choices.
Any drink containing caffeine dehydrates. This content is for members only.
Sweeten Your Breath.
If your mouth tastes bad, your breath matches. Avoid gum. Use drops or mints.
Don’t Wear Perfume.
This content is for members only.You wouldn’t want to inflict misery upon your interviewer, would you?
Speak Clearly and Smile.

Post-Interview Follow Up
Thank You Letter
Your primary goal is to reflect your appreciation for a very busy person giving you an opportunity to share what you know. This content is for members only.
Say These Things in Your Thank You.
- Express gratitude for the opportunity.
- Mention something you really appreciated about the experience.
- Share a few follow up ideas, if any.
- Limit apologies to genuine faux pas that embarassed your host.
Avoid Saying These Things in Your Thank You.
Interviews are learning experiences. This content is for members only.
Get the Recording.
Be sure to follow up on the recording of the interview. It’s good to watch and/or listen to your interviews. This content is for members only.
This post was inspired by Kyle Liedtke’s contribution to You Can Market Your Book by Carmen Leal, pp. 117-122. See Recommended Reading.